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Wood art 'Embacher' - Schwoich

Seeing Into the Wood - Wood Art by Georg Embacher from Schwoich

His theme is hunting: wood artist Georg Embacher brings ibexes, chamois, and eagles out of the wood. His perfect animal depictions impress with their vitality. The nature-loving wood artist from Schwoich finds inspiration for his work in nature. In his workshop, Georg Embacher lovingly crafts realistic animal representations by hand, as well as hunting targets, sculptures, family crests, pins for traditional costumes, crucifixes, nativity figures, and much more.

Carved from Tyrolean Wood - Wood Art by Georg Embacher from Schwoich
With powerful movements, wood artist Georg Embacher carves rough chips from his artwork. He sets aside the chisel and examines the rugged rocks he has formed in the background. His gaze rests on the wooden ibex, majestically standing on a cliff. He picks up the gouge and his movements become gentle: carefully, Georg Embacher carves fine lines into the body of the animal. From a distance, these lines come together to form a fur coat. Georg Embacher specializes in realistic animal representations.

Realistic Animal Representations
His father was a passionate hunter. Georg Embacher often accompanied him and still goes on hunts today: armed with binoculars and a camera, he ventures into the mountains. There, he observes wildlife, such as golden eagles in free flight, jumping chamois, or grazing roe deer. In the wilderness, Georg Embacher finds inspiration for his artworks. Wild animals are always in motion, rarely standing still. Capturing this pulsating vitality is Georg Embacher's goal.

Did the ibex move its head? Probably not, because Georg Embacher's depictions are made from solid wood - and this rarely moves, but it is certainly alive. Georg Embacher appreciates working with natural materials and makes use of the natural growth of different woods. He often works with pine wood, which is particularly soft and therefore very easy to work with. Linden wood, which is very fine-grained compared to pine, is also frequently used.

With a Carving Knife in Hand
Choosing the right wood is a process that requires a lot of finesse. The wood from which the objects are made must be stored for eight to ten years before it can be used. Usually, Georg Embacher has a design in mind, for which he finds the suitable piece of wood. Occasionally, however, an idea is suggested by the wood itself - with a special shape, a certain grain, or natural coloration. Almost always, Georg Embacher makes a drawing on paper before starting his work on the wood. His great talent for drawing was noticed when he was still a little boy.

Both in primary and secondary school, Georg Embacher attended carving courses; however, he taught himself most of his skills as an autodidact. As a trained carpenter, Georg Embacher had at least worked with the same material for many years. The paper drawing is followed by a rough cut from the selected wood. Then begins the fine work, which is always done by hand. Using various tools - carving knife, chisel, and gouge - Georg Embacher brings his designs out of the wood.

The Pursuit of Perfection
Georg Embacher spends hours upon hours in his workshop: not enough, he thinks, because besides his work as a wood artist, he also has another job. The work with wood requires a lot of time, but Georg Embacher gladly forgets this when he is engrossed in his work. In the workshop - surrounded by finished objects, half-finished pieces, ideas, and visions - he can fully dedicate himself to carving. Wood has a calming effect on the human body, and pine wood is even said to have the ability to slow the heartbeat. It is no wonder, then, that Georg Embacher feels a particular calm when he devotes himself to his wood art.

In his work, Georg Embacher strives for perfection. The level of detail in his animal representations is hard to surpass. The proportions are accurate, and the movement of the animals seems frozen in their wooden likeness. Georg Embacher's artistic depictions are snapshots with a high degree of resemblance to their natural counterparts. One can see Georg Embacher's love for his homeland and nature: his art is a tribute to the perfection of nature, a pledge of loyalty to his beloved homeland.

Lovingly Handcrafted from Tyrol
In addition to animal and hunting motifs, Georg Embacher creates family crests, wooden pins for traditional costumes, as well as decorative items for the home and garden. His workshop's Christmas gifts and nativity figures are also very popular. Every year during the Christmas season, Georg Embacher exhibits his artworks at the Christmas Magic event at Kufstein Fortress. His demonstration workshop is especially popular: in front of children and interested visitors, Georg Embacher crafts small spoons or edelweiss flowers. With ease, he amazes both young and old.

Georg Embacher gladly opens the doors of his workshop in Schwoich to lovers of his art. He only asks that visitors call him in advance at +43 664 1206128 to ensure that he is present. When he is not working in his workshop - carving knife in hand and a concentrated expression on his face - he roams the forests of his beloved homeland, searching for new images to bring out of the wood.

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