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Michael Nast / Tour 2024

Bestselling author Michael Nast ("Generation Incapable of Relationships") is coming to Kufstein to present his new book "Because Something's Missing: About Love, Life and Other Misunderstandings" live!

How Michael Nast sees the world affects millions on the Internet. Whether society, love, whatever the topic is, it captures the spirit of the times. Nast leads us through his (and our) mental life with ruthless openness. He holds up a mirror to us. His eye-opening lyrics read like a conversation with a good friend who recognizes our needs.
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Michael Nast / Tour 2024 - Kufstein

Bestselling author Michael Nast ("Generation Incapable of Relationships") is coming to Kufstein to present his new book "Because Something's Missing: About Love, Life and Other Misunderstandings" live!

How Michael Nast sees the world affects millions on the Internet. Whether society, love, whatever the topic is, it captures the spirit of the times. Nast leads us through his (and our) mental life with ruthless openness. He holds up a mirror to us. His eye-opening lyrics read like a conversation with a good friend who recognizes our needs.

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