GÖTZ BURY: The BODENSCHATZ - Exhibition for the Artist in Residence Project
Artist in Residence Project
The soil treasure - the reconstruction of a rich haul
The sculptor and performance artist Götz Bury is moving into a guest studio in Kufstein in August to devote himself to the treasures that lie dormant in the surrounding soil and have been mined and refined over thousands of years.
Many deposits have since been exploited or become obsolete, while others have undergone a shift in utilisation. There are numerous traces to be explored and categorised on site, at mouth holes, on mountain yokes and in local museums. In a kind of contemporary reconstruction, the artefacts found will be reconstructed and presented in an exhibition of drawings and objects.
- VEISSAGE and PROJECT PRESENTATION: 30 August 2024, 7:00 pm
Opening by fellow artist Alois Schild
Introduction to the exhibition by Götz Bury - Exhibition duration: 31.08. - 15.09.2024
Tue, Thu, Fri: 15:00 - 18:00
Sat: 10:30 - 13:00 - City tour with Götz Bury: 15.09.2024, 16:30 h
Fire Water Earth Air - The material the city is made of A time-travelling exploration of the city from the perspective of a trained sculptor. A city like Kufstein, for example, is made up of a variety of substances that permeate and shape the city and thus determine its very essence. - Final opening: 15.09.2024, 18:00 hrs