
Vi contattiamo con piacere!

37th Austrian Diabetes Conference

The Austrian Diabetics Association stands for empowerment!
With our experience, we provide support in dealing with diabetes in a self-determined way and help people to take on personal responsibility, as well as to recognise and use their scope for action and resources.

Programme 37th Austrian Diabetes Day
  • 11.30 a.m. Admission to the public: industry exhibition, health street
    - Measurement of blood values: blood pressure, blood sugar and HbA1c
    - Nutritional counselling, cooking recipes
    - Counselling for people with diabetes, pen counselling


  • 12.30 Welcome, "The work of the ÖDV"
    Dipl. Päd. Helmut Thiebet Federal Chairman of the ÖDV
  • 13.00 Opening lecture "Diabetes Initiative 2023 - from the perspective of the ÖDG"
    Prim. Prof Dr Peter Fasching 5th Medical Department with Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Acute Geriatrics, Wilhelminenspital of the City of Vienna
  • 13.45 "Small steps, big impact - development in paediatric diabetology"
    OÄ Assoz. Prof. PD. Dr Sabine Hofer Medical University of Innsbruck, Department of Paediatrics I
  • 14.15 "Eating & drinking with diabetes - a look beyond the plate"
    Christina Moser, BSc, dietician Practice for nutrition therapy, Radfeld
  • 14.45 Break
  • 15.15 "Diabetes and exercise"
    Agnes Loidl, DGKS, diabetes counsellor ÖDV service centre Innsbruck
  • 15.45 "Primary and secondary prophylaxis of type 2 diabetes mellitus"
    Dr Marion Renzler LKH Innsbruck, Internal Medicine I
  • 16.15 "Scanning instead of pricking & pricking - news from diabetes technology"
    Dr Christina Plank Kufstein District Hospital, Internal Medicin

NOTE The presentations will also be available online for one month after the Diabetes Day. If you would like to use our free online offer, please send us an e-mail to:


37th Austrian Diabetes Conference - Kufstein

The Austrian Diabetics Association stands for empowerment!
With our experience, we provide support in dealing with diabetes in a self-determined way and help people to take on personal responsibility, as well as to recognise and use their scope for action and resources.

Programme 37th Austrian Diabetes Day
  • 11.30 a.m. Admission to the public: industry exhibition, health street
    - Measurement of blood values: blood pressure, blood sugar and HbA1c
    - Nutritional counselling, cooking recipes
    - Counselling for people with diabetes, pen counselling


  • 12.30 Welcome, "The work of the ÖDV"
    Dipl. Päd. Helmut Thiebet Federal Chairman of the ÖDV
  • 13.00 Opening lecture "Diabetes Initiative 2023 - from the perspective of the ÖDG"
    Prim. Prof Dr Peter Fasching 5th Medical Department with Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Acute Geriatrics, Wilhelminenspital of the City of Vienna
  • 13.45 "Small steps, big impact - development in paediatric diabetology"
    OÄ Assoz. Prof. PD. Dr Sabine Hofer Medical University of Innsbruck, Department of Paediatrics I
  • 14.15 "Eating & drinking with diabetes - a look beyond the plate"
    Christina Moser, BSc, dietician Practice for nutrition therapy, Radfeld
  • 14.45 Break
  • 15.15 "Diabetes and exercise"
    Agnes Loidl, DGKS, diabetes counsellor ÖDV service centre Innsbruck
  • 15.45 "Primary and secondary prophylaxis of type 2 diabetes mellitus"
    Dr Marion Renzler LKH Innsbruck, Internal Medicine I
  • 16.15 "Scanning instead of pricking & pricking - news from diabetes technology"
    Dr Christina Plank Kufstein District Hospital, Internal Medicin

NOTE The presentations will also be available online for one month after the Diabetes Day. If you would like to use our free online offer, please send us an e-mail to:

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